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About Jack's Redwood Crafts

Me, on a good day. See how I put books behind me to make me look smarter?

Woodworking is a joy, although I'm still not very good at it. I make handcrafted things such as my present project; candle holders for tea-lights or votive candles. Presently I'm making stylized candle lighthouses. And this is my first real showing on-line. I've made a number of these of various designs for our church and for family and friends.

As time goes on I'll be putting more and more pictures, and I hope stories, of lots of things that I've make in the past.

The restored Henry Miller barn

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The Old Henry Miller Barn

The strange sign at the top of my about page banner ("Signs Headquarters: We screw things, we don't nail them") was in the Henry Miller barn at Christmas Hill Park in Gilroy, CA. The photo just above shows this old historic barn as it is now all nice and restored and fenced off and closed up. I was lucky enough to be there some decades ago to wander at will around the old place. There were a lot of interesting sights to see before they restored it. I have no idea how that silly sign got put in the barn or by whom. But I thought it was funny, so it' a banner. You can link to more information on the old barn here.